A procuderal city

Originally I wrote this demo in Flash to sell licenses for my Engine, which took a lot of effort to create but yielded financial benefits later. That aside, building this in Unity just seems too easy. Buildings randomly generated from Bricks, traffic system joined together with road templates, people moving on Unity’s NavSurface, simple player movement controls, and a nice finite state machine to drive the AI. What could be more simple?

Well, 100 x 100 block city produced a small issue, too many peeps, too many cars, and too many Buildings. Draw Calls escalated, polygons enough for all my games put together - what an absolute nightmare. Of course, it was a known issue before writing one line of code, culling is key to making anything run smoothly. In this I used https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CullingGroupAPI.html, just did the work for me, brilliant.

Still required some simple optimizations, which turned into something complex and this was the result.

The assets were purchased on the Asset Store (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/urban/toony-tiny-city-extended-170772) for demo purposes… the client was super happy.


Configurator System


Conveyor Belts